Mary Kenealy Events


1290 N Palm Ave
Sarasota, FL 34236 SarasotaRate and review
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A full-service event planning and management firm and destination management company in Sarasota, Florida providing services to groups of all sizes and all types of events. . With over 25 years of experience in planning weddings, special occasions, corporate events and conferences and charity fundraisers, Mary Kenealy Events, LLC, is dedicated to providing our clients with events of distinction. Surrounding ourselves with the best event partners, we seek to elevate and to enhance each aspect of your event and the experience.

As a full-service event planning and management firm and a destination management company, we offer comprehensive services from the time you and your guests arrive to the final departure. From transportation and lodging to event venues, entertainment, décor and the small details, our knowledge and vast resources combine to provide you with a cohesive flow of planning and execution.

Mary Kenealy Events has established a client list of the top echelon of Sarasota and a resume of the areas' most prestigious events such as The Dick Vitale Gala to benefit The V Foundation for Cancer Research for the past eight years attended by over 850 guests and celebrities; CTPartners' Annual Partners Conference with attendees from14 countries for six of their past conferences; numerous Destination weddings from intimate gatherings to large-scale groups up to 400; the US Rowing Masters National Championships handling special events and destination services.

With a te

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