The Tabernacle Church
10:15 am Worship
9 am Connect - Bible Classes
7 pm Bible Study/Worship/Prayer
The Tabernacle Church can be described as a Spirit-filled, non-denominational fellowship. We believe that celebrative, passionate, intimate worship touches the heart of God and ushers in His presence. In the midst of His presence we have the expectation that the miraculous and supernatural will happen. Though we love the presence and touch of the Holy Spirit, we also place a high priority on the Scriptures. It is our conviction that when you combine the Word and the Spirit--there is a spiritual combustion in the heavenlies that releases an anointing and power!
Worship Service, 10:15 am - Family Life Center
Connect - Bible Classes 9 am - Family Life Center
Family Dinner, 5:30 pm - Dining Room
Bible Study/Worship/Prayer, 7 pm - Family Life Center
Fearless Youth Ministry, 7 pm - The Student Center
PowerHouse Children's Ministry, 7 pm - Children's Center (July and August)
Girls Ministries, 7 pm - FLC - Room 202-A, 204, & 206
Royal Rangers, 7 pm - FLC - Room 207-210
Tab Tots Nursery - 7 pm - Nursery Center
4141 DeSoto Road, Sarasota, FL 34235
(Just 2 miles west of I-75 off University Parkway)
The Tabernacle Church
4141 DeSoto Road
Sarasota, FL 34235
Phone: (941) 355-8858
Fax: (941) 355-8850
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 am to 4:30 pm
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