New-Z-Land Lawn & Landscape

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12384 Mellon Ave
Port Charlotte, FL 33953 Port CharlotteRate and review
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At Cortera, we have accelerated the evolutionary path of B2B credit reporting. We are the undisputed leader in providing credit managers and CFO’s with the most up to date, predictive tools for making smart credit decisions. Our purchase behavior data enables us to dive deeper into the warning signs of downturns and growth clues, providing you with a clearer financial view of your customers’ portfolios. Companies that continue to monitor their customers by traditional means, run the risk of being blindsided when one of their customers suddenly closes or files for bankruptcy, and by relying on past payment indicators may miss opportunities to up-sell companies that are trending positively. Our unique, predictive Spend and Trend data allows your company to make smarter decisions that will ultimately mitigate potential disasters, and take advantage of increased sales opportunities, for a fraction of the cost that you are used to spending.

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