Check the Day Planner guide at villageofthearts.com/dayplanner to see who's open each day of the week. Experience the Village of the Arts! This vibrant live/work art community is home to galleries, studios, restaurants, specialty shops and healing art businesses housed in colorfully restored 1920s bungalows. Explore the outdoor sculpture, murals and yard installations, shop for a unique piece of art to take home, dine in an award-winning restaurant, and relax with a healing arts experience. Located five blocks from downtown Bradenton, the Village offers an eclectic mix of art, fashion, music, wellness, gourmet cuisine and literature, making it a unique destination for both tourists and locals alike.
Open year-round. Business hours and number of merchants vary daily, with a majority of merchants open on Friday and Saturday. Check our Day Planner guide at villageofthearts.com/dayplanner to see who is open each day of the week. Special events include a monthly Artwalk held on the First Friday weekend of every month (6-9:30pm on Friday and 11am-4pm on Saturday).
Upcoming Events
Places You Should Consider
Get to know Village of the Arts
Vibrant art community home to galleries, studios, restaurants and speciality shops. Business hours vary.
Village of the Arts Photos

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